In school today I read a great story about how God chooses us to minister. I Corinthians 1:26-27 tells us God chooses the foolish things of this world to confuse the wise.
Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world's eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.
In the book "Refresh, Ben Gutierrez says, When I was in grade school, there was a certain boy who was looked up to as being the best in all sports. And because of his super star status in our eyes, we allowed him to get away with something that no other captain was allowed to mimic. No one questioned h im when he would choose a handful of players from the line and turn to the other captain and say "The rest are yours!" We allowed him to shoose the best players and discard the rest.
You Are God's Choice
God chooses His team of ministers similarly to the boy at my school- but with one major difference. God prefers His team members to be those the world deems as outcasts. "God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful (I Corinthians 1:27). As the world begins to place its stamp of approval on the strongest, brightest, and best to represent it's cause. God creates His winning team from those that the world deems as "weak." People who are rejected by the world are the very people God has already chosen to serve on His team. And in in every clash and encounter with the world, God's team overcomes the world!
This morning I got up feeling rather weak. It seemed every which way I turn, the world was surrounding me trying to tell me how defeated I was. But, I am reminded that it is the weak who are truly strong, because Jesus is the defender of the weak. I know God chose me to be on His team and to be there to tell others about the life God has given us now and forever through His Son Jesus Christ.
Although, I tend to want things "perfect" in my life and I really enjoy being on the winning side, sometimes we must "seemingly suffer defeat." Although our emotions tell us otherwise, we are never ever truly defeated when we have experienced salvation through Jesus. We might be cast down for a season, but we are never defeated. Christ will always lift us up and help us to overcome life's struggles. Others are watching to see Christ glorified in us. We can be a witness to those who are losing life's battles and introduce them to the person and the power of Jesus!
The picture above is a special family, "The Johnny Blue Craig Family Christmas Photo" Every year for Christmas they dress up in a different outfit and have their Christmas Card picture taken. Most of the cards are "silly" and outrageously funny! I can only imagine how many broken hearts are uplifted because of these precious cards.
As ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are called to "cast all of our cares" on Him, because He cares for us.
Life is too short not to want to Experience an Undefeated Season My devotion continued;
Even thought the world's team may look more impressive and be viewed by many as "stronger" or more "successful," God has chosen you to be on the winning team. Never forget that serving God is far better than playing on a losing team! You don't have to live a defeated life! If you begin to be discouraged by the amount of headway the world is seemingly making in the lives of those to whom you are ministering, never forget that even thought the game of life will ebb and flow, you will be able to overcome the challenges before you because your Captain has placed you on the the winning team!
Serving His Kingdom,
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