Friday, April 27, 2012

Walking Out My Words on the Rows of Life

My father comes from a long line of farmers from England and Ireland. He is 90 now and never tired of walking down the rows of plants on the farm. As a child, I would be so impatient, waiting for the fruit or vegetables to appear.
"Imagine if we were a seed that had to wait for all the conditions to be right, in order to “spring forth” in freedom! I don’t know that I would be able to stand the waiting!"
He would talk to the plants and I am reminded the power of our tongues and how we can speak life and death. I have learned more patience now that I am older and I try to speak only what my heavenly father wants me to speak.
When we wait and are careful what we speak, we bear much fruit!
"I am now walking out my words on the rows of life and waiting for God’s plan to unfold."