The Lord had me go down, swim down into a deep cave under water, and I began to dig out rocks – buried lies. The first rock was unforgiveness, then fear, doubt, unbelief, abandonment, rejection, hopelessness and then anger. As I dug them up it was too much for me to carry alone. I looked up and saw a man, “Peter” who took off his towel wrapped around his waist, took it off and then brought me down nets for each one of the rocks. He helped me bring them up to Jesus who was standing above by the pool of water.
He crushed the first stone of unforgiveness with one hand, the powder disintegrated into the clean pool, turning it into a milky white. Jesus said, it’s milk – you are bathing in it and the water immediately turned warm.
Next he took a bat and began to hit each rock out into the depths of eternity never to return. He hit every buried lie and then one last stone was given to Him – Disappointment.
He said,
“No more will you be disappointed because I cherish you, you are my pleasant one, my darling. Others might misunderstand you, but I know you, I created you, to be strong, strong enough to wait faithfully. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but you are not hopeless, for I have created you for such a special time, just wait. I will to supply and finish every dream I “started” in you, and if the dream was not from ME, then discard it, don’t count on it for it is only meant to distract and disarm you from the tasks I have for you. I will put “MY STRENGTH” in you and those lies, are finished, diminished and cast into outer darkness.
No more shall oppression and grief have a hold on you. I do not wish to destroy you, but only to build you up in MY most HOLY FAITH. Receive my WORD, receive my WORDS. Receive and let your faith flourish. Look to me and none other. Don’t let men deceive you for I have released you, MY CINDERELLA to go forth in the name of the LORD and preach MY WORD. Be strong and of good courage!"
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