Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need like some people letters of recommendation to you or from you? You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You showlt of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living GOD, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
As I read these verses my heart was struck with conviction.
1) Thank God, I still feel conviction,
2) Thank God, I still am reminded that once I didn't have the Lord's Spirit leading me and guiding me into all truth, and
3) Although, I still find myself in need of several breakthroughs including that of more compassion, less criticism, more mercy and definately more grace.
Although it is evident that I find myself in a time lack; lack of companionship, lack of health, lack of wealth, passion, clarity and direction, I must say I still have all my basic needs met and I find myself in a place of solitude with the Lord.
I stood behind a young man today in Walmart who could not have been over 20-21. He pulled out two brand new credit cards, and bought two Walmart Gift Cards for $2,000 each. I thought about this in today's economic times. It was very unusual. I'm not judging this man (hope I am not), but it brought to my mind that people are surviving during these times, and it appears from his standpoint, VERY WELL!
Do I really think he was buying these gift cards for maybe his two parents? Honestly, no. But, it did give me food for prayer, that maybe I just need to begin to pray and BELIEVE GOD for favor... GOOD GODLY HONEST FAVOR !!!! Along with the favor, I'm asking GOD for WISDOM....not only for myself, but for those that are in my life and need GOD'S salvation and deliverance.
This brings me to the next passage in 2 Corinthians beginning with verse 4.
Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
My dear friend Barbara Spayd (See write up under Speakers Bureau) felt compelled to have me read this second letter to the Corinthians.
I am finally understanding that the valleys in my life, are not failures, because how can we fail if we have God on our side? To accept failure means we must deny Christ. God forbid!
I must according to God's Word consider the truth, that I am loved by God, I am His daughter, and a loyal servant of my blessed and precious LORD who has chosen this path for me, for such a time as today.
Why, I might ask? It really doesn't matter, because my trust and faith is in the LORD who promises to strengthen, lead, guide and supply me every day. It doesn't even matter if those who are supposed to care for me even do, although I am truly blessed and cherished by many.
My prayer today is that those that don't know this wonderful savior will run into His arms, because He is willing and ready to not only show MERCY and give GRACE, He is desiring to supply us with His favor. We are His favored children.
God grant me favor, grant my family, friends and those that need you favor. Help them to see your WILLINGNESS to write on the tablets of our hearts your name. Help us to see Jesus as the EYE of the storm. He is the peacemaker. He will calm the storms of life and help us through every trial and tribulation. Help our joy to be full and running over with the goodness of God!
Cinderella Released...from ashes to beauty!
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